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Epipremnum Aureum N’joy, or Pothos N’joy is a variegated Pothos variety. Pothos is easy to grow and the N'joy is a distinctly beautiful variety with white and green patches on the leaves.


Pothos are one of the most popular ranges of houseplants. This is largely due to their undemanding nature and their versatility. With your N’joy, you can either keep it trimmed back to make a compact desktop plant, let it spill over the edge of a shelf or out of a hanging basket or alternatively it can also be trained up a trellis or a moss pole to create a magnificent feature piece in your home.

Epipremnum N’joy Pothos 12cm

  • SIZE:  Plant is in a 12cm nursery pot. 

    LIGHT: Moderately bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as may cause browning of leaves. Enjoys a lightly humid environment but can tolerate cooler conditions.

    WATER: Allow soil to dry out before watering. Ensure good drainage and do not let pot to sit in water.

    MAINTENANCE: Fertilise with GT Foliage Focus or PlantRunner Liquid Plant Food monhtly during spring/ summer.

    TOXICITY: May cause irritation if ingested. Keep out of reach from children and pets. 

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