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Hoya Carnosa is a super a popular houseplant. Hoya Cranosa is an low maintenance, easy care wax plant with bright green leaves with small silvery splashes. Makes a lovely climbing or hanging plant and produces clusters of low perfumed, pale pink, star-shaped flowers. 


*Note, this hoya is not currently in bloom.

Hoya Carnosa 12cm

  • SIZE: Planted in a 12cm nursery pot. Plant climbing on our Plant Support Trellis.

    BLOOMS: Pale pink, star-shaped flowers.

    LIGHT: Bright indirect light. 

    WATER: Allow the soil to dry between watering.

    MAINTENACE: Fertilise using our GT Flower Focus once a month in spring/summer. Less Frequently in the cooler months.

    AIR CARE: A great plant to have in the home to eliminate any toxins which may be present in the air.

    NON-TOXIC: Pets and child friendly.

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